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Curtis & Ellis Search Partners.

The destination for leaders who seek to change the world

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About Curtis & Ellis Search Partners.

​Curtis & Ellis Search Partners is an executive search firm that for over a decade has focus solely on recruiting world class executives into high-growth technology companies.

Our continued success is founded on these principles.


Our experience across the entire technology value-chain provides an invaluable understanding of our clients’ unique business models and key drivers. We are always laser focused which yields fast results and candidates that are never off target. that understanding combined with a depth of relationships comprised of the leaders of today and tomorrow give us unsurpassed precision and speed in completing our searches.


We are results-driven, and never confuse effort with success. Success meaning we identify and close star candidates that are otherwise untouchable. Unrelenting effort while necessary is just another second place finish without the close.


Mediocrity is not tolerated in any phase of our search process. We recruit the best of the best and our candidates have repeatedly exceeded performance standards to drive success. the majority of our clients have experienced successful acquisition or IPO based in large part on the results of our candidates. We care passionately about the success of our companies, and we go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that outcome.


Perhaps the single biggest differentiator of
CE Search Partners is the partnership established with our clients. Good partners are hard to find in a commodity driven economy, good partners provide accuracy, consistency, and reliability. Our reputation as a true search partner is not revolutionary but evidence to the commitment of the basic principles all search partners should

be measured by. TraditIonally early-mid stage companIes partner with CE Search Partners for 12+ months to not only help accelerate their talent acquIsItIon, but the growth of their business.

Modern Architecture

Search Services

Functionality You Will Love


Our success is based on the core fundamentals of operating with the highest degree of urgency, and managing searches with the precision of a retained emgagement at a contingent pace. Our ability to fully understand our customers’ needs, execute, and deliver world-class talent with speed & precision is unparalleled. Our candidate reach, and process methodologies have consistently produced the competitive advantage companies rely on in order to win the war for talent.



  • Fields Sales

  • Solution Consulting

  • Sales Leadership



  • Implementation

  • Customer Success

  • Account Management


Our hybrid search model provides client’s specific expertise in the core areas of sales and customer success.

CE Search Partners is renowned for our swift ability to both
target game changing talent and build a world-class story
to present to the talent marketplace the is highly differentiated in the ever competitive technology landscape. many times CE Search Partners will act as a secondary marketing arm for their clients.

Our Customers Say

Business Handshake

"CE Search Partners exhibits all the types of trust necessary to build and maintain positive relationships, which creates a virtuous ecosystem for both recruits and clients.  They keep their word.  They do what they say they are going to and provide the necessary talent pipeline to enhance the business.


In partnering with them as both a Candidate and a Client, it has become evident that these guys operate differently and truly lean into having the best interest of all parties."

Nick Sarles, Former VP North American Sales ALTERYX and GTM/CRO Advisor.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Winston Churchill

Curtis & Ellis Search Partners

The destination for leaders who seek to change the world

Join The Success!



530 Technology Dr, Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618


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